Mainboard | CPU | Graphic | Storage
The motherboard is the foundation of any PC. All the critical subsystems, including the CPU, system chipset, memory, system I/O, expansion bus, and other critical components run directly off the motherboard. Likewise, the interconnections among these components are laid into the motherboard itself.
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If you expect top performance from your system, you have to accept that it all starts and ends with the CPU. Whiz-bang graphics cards and oceans of RAM won't fix a system that's dragged down by a pokey processor. Wether you'ew crunching numbers or rendering dimly lit hallways in Quake, the capability of your system to get the job done relies first and foremost on its CPU.
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No single component of the PC is deploying as quickly right now as the graphics subsystem. Graphic chip companies such as NVidia, ATI and 3Dfx trump their own products with astonishing swiftness, releasing new chips that more than double the capabilities of the product released just six or nine months before. Behind the surge of new silicon: The emergence of 3D applications programming standards as well as games and applications that use them.
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Although IDE RAID controllers provide a cost-effective way of creating high-performance RAID storage systems, you can even do away with this piece of hardware by using Windows 2000 support for software RAID. We took a detailed look at this option and put several different configurations to the test.
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